Jaxson fell asleep on the way home he was soooo tired. He got woken up from his nap this afternoon and I found out that on Halloween that is not good. Next year we'll have to try harder to get that nap in. He was falling asleep from house to house as we drove but all in all I think he had a fantastic Halloween.
This Halloween broke me in a little bit with knowledge about candy. I only bought and gave out candy that Jaxson can have someday. Might sound strange but it made me feel so at peace and insanely happy. In fact all the candy I gave is considered "free" for him meaning he can have as much as he wants which is a HUGE deal because there aren't very many "free" things. So for those of you who are curious here is the "free" candy we gave out: cotton candy, Sweetish Fish, Sour Patch Kids, Dots, Dum Dum Suckers, Air Heads, and Gatorade . Not a bad selection if you ask me.
Here's Jaxson's Halloween "loot". He got such great things. I can't publish this post without talking about our great family. Everyone had planned ahead for Jaxson and had tried their very hardest to have things he could have..thank you..thank you..thank you! I couldn't help but to think back to the past as I went through his stuff. I remember shortly after Jaxson was diagnosed thinking about Halloween and just crying and crying. I know a little nuts since he was only a week old but as a mom you have dreams for your kids and you assume since you have a kid that you are going to get to do certain things with them, like Halloween and at that time I didn't know how on earth we were going to do Halloween with Jaxson. Well with great family like we have we did give Jaxson Halloween this year and a very FANTASTIC one at that. I know this year will probably be our very easiest one for a long time since from here on out he'll notice other candy that's being offered that he can't have but at least I found hope with this 1st Halloween.