#9: I love that I can ask you for a kiss and most times you give me one
#8: I love when I'm getting your bath water ready you scream and try your hardest to crawl up the bathtub into your water
#7 I love that when you play with your trucks or cars you make a car sound
#6 I love that you think I'm your jungle gym when I'm trying to do crunches
#5 I love that Robin Hood makes you fall asleep. It's the only thing you'll watch (I think it's the music at the first you love music) and we put it on after your bath time and after I've read you 2 books and you usually fall asleep within the first 12 minutes. I was never was a big fan of Robin Hood but now I absolutely LOVE it!-)
#4 I love feeding you graham crackers they are your favorite snack right now and you eat them all by yourself
#3 I love coming to get you out of your crib and your standing up against the railing. When we got your crib I remember thinking that one day you would be able to do that and now you can. I just love the look in your eyes when you see me coming to rescue you out of your crib.
#2 I love walking around with you while I hold your hands. You walk on your tippy toes.
#1 I love that you learned how to clap and give 5's this month