Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Labor Day Weekend

For Labor Day Weekend my parents did a dinner at their house on Sunday and then that night we had all the kids over for a dance party. Brett got me a new Just Dance game it's a summer version with lots of great dance songs. We were super into it and even had to move the couches so we could get our groove on. On Monday we went to Remember the Mane. I thought I had more pictures of our day but I can't find them. We had lunch, the kids played on the playground and then we walked down to the water. Well it didn't take long till everyone was in the water. It was so warm it was perfect.

Labor Day picnic
One night while watching Brett shave Jaxson wanted to try it out too.

Jaxson's favorite toy by far in September. We had to go to the dollar store one day and Jaxson spotted these things now most people would see this as knight attire not my son he instantly thought he had found a catcher equipment just his size. Got to love my little baseball nut! He wears it daily and talks and shows me how he is a catcher.
In September Jaxson starting singing I Hope They Call Me On a Mission, he sounded so cute. So I dug out Brett's missionary tags since I did singing time at church 3 times after that and would let the kids wear Brett's old missionary tags. One Sunday Jaxson didn't want to take them off and I had to get a picture of him and Brett both wearing Elder Erickson tags.

We went to the circus out in Salt Lake with Nikki, Joey and Jayden. We bought our tickets in Aug and I could hardy wait for the 24th of Sept to take Jaxson and watch him and see his reaction to the circus. It was so entertaining from start to finish. We all loved it and have talked and talked about it since we have gotten home. Jaxson says he's favorite part was the 12 tigers


I got asked by my drill coach, Robin if I would dance in the homecoming game and since I have a very special place in my heart for Robin of coarse I said yes. She wanted the former U'ettes to dance with alumni U'ettes. I missed the first 2 hour practice so I had to learn the dance the night before in 20 minutes. It was a lot of fun dancing and preforming again. There were U'ettes from the 70's, 80's, 90's and 2000's. My family showed up and cheered me on and my sweet husband even had a poster made for Jaxson to hold to cheer me on.


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